Thursday, May 31, 2012

No Social Media Day 31 - Last Day

   Well, here we are at day 31. The last day of the No Social Media challenge. It's been an interesting 31 days and I do believe it has positively effected my life. If you've never gone 30 days without being connected to social media I highly recommend it, if for nothing else than to repriortize your life. With that being said, I believe the following video will sum up my feelings of connecting back with the social world tomorrow.....

   Now, I've got a fresh 30 days ahead of me awaiting the next challenge. So what's next? Well I've been giving it a good deal of thought and I've had quite a few interesting ideas to sort through. Should it be something physical, something "green," something borrowed, something blue, wait a second..... that's a wedding isn't it? Anyway, after all of the sorting, and a good bit of this, I've landed on something spiritual, and possibly physical. I've been an on-again off-again bible reader for as long as I can remember. And no, not this bible....
although I may have to pick that one up as well. Periodically I'll pick up my holy dust collector, brush it off, read it for a few days, and then put it back on the shelf. But what if I committed to reading it every day for 30 days? What would happen? Would I be a more humble and caring person? More committed? Would I be more patient, especially with my children? Would I just be confused? Would it change me for the better? Would I change at all? These are all questions I intend to find the answers to over the next thirty days! Follow me and/or join me and let me know how your journey goes.

Your Challenger,

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