Monday, May 21, 2012

No Social Media Day 21

   So here we are at day 21 of the No Social Media challenge, woo-hoo! Sorry for not posting anything between day 1 and now, but since I haven't been on any social media I haven't really been on the computer. That really makes me realize how much of my computer time is spent on social media sites, too much. Although I did have a question come up. I found myself on Pinterest one day and I "liked" a post. Immediately after clicking the like button I thought, "Crap, is Pinterest considered social media?" Since I wasn't sure I closed it out and haven't been back on there since.
   I can't say that I haven't missed my Facebook and Twitter time during these 21 days, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. The first few days were tough, but once those were out of the way things became a lot smoother.
   I filled my time with other things that I'd been neglecting. I've been focusing more on my upcoming triathlon and getting my training and nutrition dialed in for that. I've caught up on a couple of magazines that had been collecting dust. I managed to read two books that I'd been interested in for a while. Not to mention the quality play time I've gotten with my girls and the great workouts I've gotten to complete.
   With the end of this challenge coming up I've been contemplating what to do for the next 30 day challenge. So far I haven't gotten any suggestions so if you have any ideas let me know. Otherwise, stay tuned to find out!

Your Challenger,

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