Tuesday, May 1, 2012

No Social Media Day 1

   On day one of the No Social Media Challenge, this is the song that comes to mind as I sip my morning coffee. On a normal day, I would get out of bed, unplug my phone from the charger, and immediately check the display to see if I'd received any Facebook or Twitter notifications during the night. If I did, I would check them and respond to any that required it. Later in the morning, I would do a full check up of both Facebook and Twitter while sipping my morning coffee.
   This morning, obviously, was different. Last night, after performing one last check of each site, I logged out of the applications on my phone so even if I accidentally tapped one, nothing would come up but a log in screen. So of course, there were no notifications this morning (insert sad face here). When sitting down to sip my coffee it was hard to not navigate to Facebook or Twitter. Until today I'd never really stopped to think about, and realize, how much of my daily routine revolved around social media. How much time I spend there. And it's just 9am!
   As I imagined, the first day is a little tough. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel depressed, or that my life is lacking in any way, it's just a change of routine. And if you know me, you know I'm all about routine! I look forward to seeing how things change along the way. Who knows, maybe I'll replace my social media time with bible time and see if I'm a changed man in a month. We shall see.
   I won't be checking in every day, because that would get pretty boring for you I'm sure, but I will check in at least once per week to keep you updated. So, until next time.........

Your Challenger,

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